5 Foods & Vitamins To Boost Your Fitness Routine

TruFusion News

If you are like many others out there, it can be hard to determine the best foods and vitamins to add to your diet and aid in your fitness routine. With so many options, multivitamins, food blogs, dietitians, nutritionists, and fad eating plans out there, what items should make the cut when you’re cutting back, or bulking up for that matter? The truth is there are hundreds if not thousands of different combinations, each that matches a particular individual’s needs. But to take the guesswork out of your daily meal plan, here is a mix of five vitamins and foods that should make an appearance in every 24-hour period.

By combining these with a fitness regime or wellness program, you can help your body and mind feel their absolute best. Try changing up your workout routines from time to time too to give your system a jolt- hot yoga, Pilates, Barre, or strength training are great for mixing and matching throughout the week.

Vitamin D

Sure, we get most of this from the sun, but it can be hard to retain as much as your body needs, especially if you live in an area that doesn’t get much sunshine or has inclement weather. If you can swing 15 minutes of absorbing rays every day, then that is enough to assist in keeping away illnesses, as well as preventing hair loss and back pain. It also aids with bone health and muscle function, so it can boost your fitness routine and help your body before, during, and after workouts. Foods that provide Vitamin D include fatty fish, milk and juices, or eggs, or alternatively, you can pick a good multivitamin that includes this important element.

Phytonutrients (aka Colorful Vegetables)

While it may sound like something straight from your parent’s or doctor’s mouth, the simple fact is that vegetables are vital to your health. Serving up a variety of colorful vegetables will provide the body with vitamins, fiber, and minerals that it needs to thrive. Regardless of if you’re keto, pescatarian, a meat-eater, or vegan, there are vegetables out there to suit any dietary needs. Add in some kind of “legumes” for extra protein- these can range from chickpeas to kidney beans or lentils, and everything in between. Phytonutrients help with everything from muscle recovery to growth and are great to eat before or after a workout or fitness class.


Magnesium is a magical little nutrient that offers BIG benefits. Not only does it help with energy levels and maintaining healthy bones, but it is also good for reducing the amount of stress a person experiences, especially when used for 90 days or more. Some studies also show that it can help with sleep issues, and to top it off, magnesium aids nerve and muscle functions. While this fantastic supplement should be an instant staple of any diet, many people don’t get it because they aren’t choosing the right magnesium-dense foods. Try adding items like spinach, tofu, brown rice, Brazil nuts, pumpkins, and artichokes into your daily regime to up your intake of this wonderful nutrient.

Unsaturated Fats

These fats get lumped in with foods that should be avoided, when in fact they are good for your body, with USNews reporting that they “support satiety, boost cognitive function and promote cardiovascular health.” Items like olive oil, edamame, soy milk, and canned tuna all contain these positive fats. Try snacking on almonds or walnuts when you’re hungry, as these contain the benefits of unsaturated fats too. Just make sure not to overdo it with these- a little goes a long way.


If you suffer from digestion issues, probiotics might be the answer. These can be found in actual pill forms, or in fermented food items such as tempeh. They are also common in yogurts, so you can incorporate them into your daily meals easily by adding a cup of greek yogurt to breakfast or lunch. Probiotics are actually microorganisms that help maintain a healthy gut, so adding them will keep your tummy happy! Who doesn’t love a happy gut, right?

Adding these foods to any diet should be relatively simple, and shouldn’t throw off any existing nutrition plans you follow. By combining these with regular exercise, be it cardio, strength training, or fitness classes, your body will start to feel even healthier.  If you’re looking for a killer workout, TruFusion offers heated and unheated classes to suit every level, body type, and preference including Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Cycle, Bootcamp, Boxing. Check out a local TruFusion Studio in your area, then make a beeline for your nearest supermarket and get these helpful foods and vitamins in your cart ASAP- because feeling your best is just a few bites away.

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