5 Tips for Stopping that Snooze and Getting to that 6AM Sweat

Balance, Day-to-Day, Fitness, Fusion, Instructors, Studio, Tips

Dalia Rhodes is the Director of Fitness at TruFusion South Austin, where she is up and motivating her TruTribe as early as 5AM. We know the struggle is real when it comes to jumping out of bed and making it to those early morning workouts, so we chatted with Dalia to get the tips she recommends to her clients, friends, members and her “incredibly patient husband” to skip the snooze button and get in that sweat!


“Bring someone with you to class. A team effort forces you to not leave your friend in the dust and it helps you pull yourself out of the sheets because it’s not only you on the hook, it’s also your pal. Don’t know anyone who wakes up that early? Friend your instructor on Instagram and we’ll get you there! I’ve texted a friend before when she’s asked me to hold her accountable at 5:00 AM! (Let’s be friends, I’ll text you too.)”

Rest and nourish

“The night before your big morning, eat a nutrient-filled dinner. Allow yourself time to sleep. Meditate before bed and read a few pages of a motivational book (I like reading pages of “Shut Up and Run” by Robin Arzon to help motivate me for my day.) Put your device away and dive into you! This provides the proper fuel you need to crush the morning woes.”

Accept that it’s not easy

“Sometimes we expect things to be as easy as they seem for others. If you haven’t always been a morning person, you can’t just flip a switch and instantly become one. If we accept that it’s going to be challenging, we can work on ways to prepare ourselves. Get your clothes ready before you go to bed and plan for a yummy breakfast post-workout. Do little things to help reward yourself so you have something to look forward to.”

Look forward to a free evening

“There’s nothing better than going home after work or spending the evening catching up with a friend. You can enjoy the company happy hour or indulge in treats you love because you knocked your workout early in the AM. THE NIGHT IS YOURS!”

Change your perspective

“The workout high is REAL. Look forward to that feeling. The glow, the sweat, the sense of community and the high vibes. Think of your morning workout as a way to celebrate yourself, your badassery and accomplishments vs. thinking of it as torture.”

Date a fitness professional! 

“Extra kudos if they teach AM classes. We always want our loved ones in classes. It truly makes our day so bright.”

“Remember, at the end of the day, it’s about you loving yourself and being proud of your efforts,” she shares. “Push the noise away and dive into the things that make you feel incredible.”

You can find Dalia at TruFusion South Austin where she teaches a variety of morning classes including Tru Hot Barre, Barefoot Bootcamp, Tru Ride (indoor cycle) Tru Hot Pilates and TRX. Known for her killer playlists, which you can check out here, you’ll always find a little bit of Reggaeton and Meek Mill bumping over the speakers, as well as Top 40, classic rock and big beat drops. She can’t wait to cheer you on in your morning adventure and she’ll see you on the mat! 

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