Activewear Technology: Why sweating in sweats doesn’t work

Blog, Gear, Studio, TruFit, TruTribe

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][image_with_animation image_url=”3473″ animation=”Fade In” img_link_target=”_self”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Donning the right work out gear in class is just as important as showing up. Synthetic fibers are the way to go because they dry faster and offer a better stretch. This summer, lunge into leggings and tops made from synthetic fibers to avoid the unsightly underboob or crotch sweat stains; here are a few tips to get you started!

Sweat Science

Synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon are specifically designed to wick sweat away from the skin then distribute the perspiration evenly across the fabric’s surface for a more rapid drying time.

Unfortunately the reality is that natural fibers can’t compete. Even fabric blends with as little as 25 percent natural fiber (i.e. cotton) aren’t as efficient when it comes to keeping you dry or maintaining their shape. Instead, the sweat saturates the fabric wherever you’re perspiring the most resulting in dark circles and wet spots. All of the moisture pooling in one place causes the fabric to sag and become heavier, taking longer to dry.

Stretch Science

Easy movement from posture to posture is important, regardless of the class you prefer. This means that your activewear must be able to stretch just as you do.

Synthetic fabric was designed specifically with this purpose in mind. Most synthetic leggings are blended with lycra, spandex or elastic. This allows for a multi-dimensional stretch around the muscles as well as up and down the legs.

The reality is that natural fabrics only offer a two-way stretch. Two-way stretch only allows the fabric to stretch in one plane of motion, hindering performance.

A Solid Investment

TruFusion’s retail section is stocked with active wear ideal for both heated and unheated classes. All of our leggings have been cultivated with four-way stretch and optimal sweat absorption in mind.

A perfect example of our hand-cultivated selection would be the newly launched and already wildly popular NiyamaSOL brand. NiyamaSOL leggings are not only made from synthetic four-way stretch fabric, but its fibers are also created using recycled water bottles. Using certified recycled polyethylene terephthalate is one of the most environmentally conscious ways to produce leggings that meet the needs of our yogis and athletes. RPET fabric is created when water bottles are melted down, spun into a thread and woven into fabric. The process is costly, making it hard to come by, but the result is an amazing line of environmentally friendly leggings and board shorts engineered for your favorite activities.

Perform to the best of your ability today by sporting some hot new yoga pants and bra tops! Need an extra push? Share this special promotional code with the front desk when you come in for your next class and receive 20% off of any yoga leggings, bra tops or shorts!  

Promo code: YW20

Offer good Tuesday, June 2 – Saturday June 6, 2015. Discount is valid on yoga leggings, yoga shorts and bra tops only.




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