Circuit Classes To Buzz About

TruFusion News

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Circuits aren’t just for generating electricity: Circuit classes are actually great for creating a buzz within your body. If you’re looking for a way to get a real rush, why not try one of these heart-pumping routines? Give those muscles something to buzz about with these energizing routines. Circuits can range from 8-10 minutes and are the ideal full-body workout for any level of fitness fan.


Circuit training is any class that combines several different stations or exercises performed in shorter periods. Rest periods are usually integrated throughout. This is to give the system a chance to recover before attempting the next exercise or routine. Studios like TruFusion offer an array of circuit classes that include Battle Boxing, Battle Ropes, Kettlebell modalities, and TRX-based modalities. Learn more about the different circuit classes here, then pick the one that sounds right for you!


Boxing Classes

Many studios offer boxing and conditioning classes that fall under circuit routines. Students switch between different exercises throughout the set time. Expect to work with the boxing gloves and bags, then switch to new stations that test your endurance and strength in other ways. Some classes are split between boxing and strength training with weights or bodyweight. This is in order to work all areas of the physique and shock the system with different movements. This type of circuit training makes you feel great while pushing you to the edge.


Kettlebell Classes

Much like boxing, these classes can incorporate different exercises and training techniques. Classes like these allow your body to get a full workout throughout the allotted time. You might move to different stations, or use different tools to engage the muscles. TruFusion’s Kettlebooty uses resistance bands, kettlebells, and slam balls to work the bottom half of your body. The top will still get a workout at the same time, thanks to the constant changes and movements. Different patterns are used to keep everything tight and balanced, building strength that will have you feeling like a beast.


TRX Classes

TRX training is a great example of a circuit workout because it uses everything from suspension ropes to drills and cardio blasts, forcing each part of your body to leverage, stabilize, and balance. Your core will become engaged and stronger, while the arms and legs will build muscle in this sweat-inducing, endorphin boosting, soul-inspiring, full-body workout.


These are only a few of the choices that fall under circuit classes, and you can easily create your own version at home, in the gym, or outdoors. Bodyweight or actual weights can assist in creating stations and modifications, the most important part is to push yourself and try to work the different parts of your body in new and exciting ways.

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