Meet the TruTribe: Megan Kovach

Blog, Fitness, Food, TruTribe, Yoga

Welcome to the new #TruTribe Series, where we chat with members of the TruTribe just like you to discuss all things fitness, TruFusion and more. 

Our first interview is with Megan Kovach, a member at TruFusion South Austin. Megan is a yoga and fitness enthusiast who works as a model and at her family’s engineering firm. She is also currently working to launch a fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle blog!

We chatted with Megan about finding confidence through fitness, her love for TruFusion, the practices that keep her grounded and more! Check it out below. 

Finding Confidence Through Fitness 

“When I was younger, I was casually interested in fitness and nutrition. By that I mean, I pretty much just wanted to look good.  When I moved to Austin in 2011 I was blown away by how active this town is. I’ll never forget the first time I went for a run on the Lady Bird Lake Trail downtown; I couldn’t believe how many people were out there getting after it!  Also, when I came to Austin and didn’t really know anyone, and I discovered that workout classes are a great way to make new friends – seriously, it’s a great ‘life hack! 

Slowly, over time, I started taking my fitness and nutrition more seriously. I learned how to push myself, be accountable and commit to things. This gave me a confidence I never had before. I developed a passion for distance running and I completed my first full marathon, right here in Austin, in 2017. I also earned my 200Hr Yoga teaching certification last year.  These days I’m proud to say being active isn’t something I try to do, it’s part of who I am.”

The Austin TruTribe

“I was introduced to TruFusion by a close friend. I love workouts that are challenging, but that also keep things fresh and fun. TruFusion classes provide just that. I sweat and I’m definitely not bored!

My Trutribe is a group of awesome people that push me to be better than I ever thought I could be. They hold me accountable and they celebrate my victories as if they are their own. They pick me up and dust me off when I fall. They are positive, motivated, and most importantly, really fun people to be around. These people inspire me to be more like them and I’m lucky to call them my friends!”

Megan’s Motivation 

“For me, it’s all about personal growth and getting out of my comfort zone, so I’m motivated to try new things and learn new skills. As a girl in her early thirties, I’m also pushing myself to reach new peaks in my fitness and overall health. I want to be in better shape when I turn 40 than I was at 20! Christie Brinkley, I see you! 

Also, life moves fast so ‘CARPE DIEM’! Everyday I try to put my best foot forward, and get a little better. I know I’m in control of at least two things at all times; my attitude and my effort. That doesn’t mean there aren’t hard days and setbacks, but I don’t ever want to wonder what could have been. Time is a non-renewable resource and there’s so much I want to do on this little adventure we call life!”

Food, Fashion and Family

“I’m passionate about fitness, fashion and FOOD! Finding or creating a new recipe that tastes like it should be bad for you, but is actually super clean and healthy is pure gold. My friends and family are incredibly important to me; These people make the journey so much fun! I’m also really excited to be in a phase of my life now where I’m focused on sharing what I’ve learned and helping other people reach their fitness and nutritional goals.”

Morning Sweat

“I’m definitely the ‘early to bed, early to rise’ type. I like to start my day with a nice big coffee and getting a sweat in early always seems to make the rest of the day better. I’ve got several gigs going at the moment so the ‘work day’ can be long, but I try to find some time at night to unplug and unwind. I love reading and I have a pretty detailed skin care routine that I go through before bed. Also, sleep is incredibly important to my mental and physical health, so I work hard to get my eight hours whenever I can.”


“Over the past several years I’ve started to take yoga pretty seriously, and it’s a great way to connect and calm both your body and your mind. I also find distance running, especially out on quiet trails, to be an amazing form of mental therapy and a great mindfulness practice. I sometimes will do a short meditation practice in the quiet of the morning while having my coffee.”

Chasing Your Dreams

“I think it’s great that this community of like minded people work every day to spread the health and fitness movement. Good luck to everyone out there chasing their goals and dreams. Keep crushing it; ya’ll (I’m Texan now) inspire me everyday!

Find Your Edge

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